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Welcome to the Nevada Woodchucks. Please read and review each page first and then answer the multiple choice questions on the following page.

  1. Get permission before using the Turning Lathe.
  2. To protect the operator wear an apron.
  3. Don’t do anything on the lathe that hasn’t been properly demonstrated for you.
  4. When gluing up material for turning make sure the glue is spread evenly.
  5. Before using a turning tool it must be sharp.
  6. The tool rest must be positioned 1/8" from the turning blank.
  7. The tool rest should be elevated to the center of the turning blank.
  8. When honing or sharpening a turning tool, the tool must be held to the angle of grind to the honing/sharpening wheel.
  9. When spindle turning the head stock, the chuck must be tapped firmly onto the head of the turning blank.
  10. When sanding a turning blank a dust mask must be worn.
  11. Turning the outside of a blank to perfect roundness is done with a gouge.
  12. Use a tool rest when holding a turning tool.
  13. Do all lathe cutting evenly down the entire length of the blank.
  14. A cupped, round nosed gouge is used for outside shaping on a blank.
  15. A turning tool must be held firmly against the tool rest.
  16. Never touch a blank when the lathe is running.
  17. A turning blank must be free of knots and defects.
  18. Inside shaping is done on a cup or bowl blank with a sharp round-nosed gouge.
  19. Eye and face protection must be worn when operating the lathe.


1. Get ________________ before using the Turning Lathe.
2. To protect the operator wear an __________________.
3. Don’t do anything on the lathe that hasn’t been _______________ for you.
4. When gluing up material for turning make sure the glue is spread ______________.
5. Before using a turning tool it must be ___________________.
6. The tool rest must be positioned _____________________ from the turning blank.
7. The tool rest should be elevated to the ____________________ of the turning blank.
8. When honing or sharpening a turning tool, the tool must be held to the ________________ to the honing/sharpening wheel.
9. When spindle turning the head stock, the chuck must be tapped ________________ onto the head of the turning blank.
10. When sanding a turning blank a ___________________________ must be worn.
11. Turning the outside of a blank to perfect roundness is done with a _________________.
12. Use a ______________________________ when holding a turning tool.
13. Do all lathe cutting evenly down the entire ______________________ of the blank.
14. A cupped, round nosed ____________________ is used for outside shaping on a blank.
15. A turning tool must be held ____________________ against the tool rest.
16. Never touch a blank when the lathe is _________________________.
17. A turning blank must be free of ____________________ and defects.
18. Inside shaping is done on a cup or bowl blank with a _____________________ round-nosed gouge.
19. _______________________ protection must be worn when operating the lathe.