A current physical (within 395 days) must be on file with the school nurse before an athlete will be allowed to tryout or practice. |
O'Fallon Township High School Online Athletic Registration: Athletes and parents must complete the online registration before trying out for a sport. Completion of this process does NOT guarantee the student athlete will be a member of the team. Coaches will make decisions on final rosters for each sport upon completion of tryouts. |
A $150 participation fee per sport must be paid once the student has made the final roster. Fees can be paid through the Skyward system or checks can be made payable to OTHS District 203 and must be paid to the district office. |
*In typing in your name (Parent/Guardian & Student) in this registration, you signify that your electronic signature represents the person named and acknowledges a full understanding & acceptance of the athletic rules and agreement. |
*In providing your address, you are confirming that the student-athlete and the parent(s)/court-appointed legal guardian reside full time in the attendance boundaries of O'Fallon Township High School. |
Email Address--To receive confirmation of form submission. Dist. 203 employees must use email address OTHER than oths.us. |
I have read and I understand the O'Fallon Township High School 203 Athletic Code of Conduct. Except with respect to the use of prescription drugs prescribed for me by a medical doctor when used by me in the manner intended by the prescribing medical doctor, I promise that I will not possess, use, distribute, purchase, or sell any alcoholic beverage, drug, drug paraphernalia, controlled substance, look-alike, tobacco or tobacco product or any other substance which, when taken into the human body is intended to alter mood or mental state, or is intended to be performance enhancing including any item or substance which is represented by me or anyone else to be, or is believed by me or anyone else to be any of the above, regardless of the true nature or appearance of the substance for so long as I am a student athlete within the meaning of the O'Fallon Township High School District 203 Athletic Code or subject to it terms and conditions. |
I understand that my athletic eligibility is conditioned on my keeping this promise. |
I am aware that playing or practicing to play any sport can be dangerous involving many RISKS OF INJURY. I understand that the dangers of playing or practicing include but are not limited to death, serious neck and spinal cord injuries which may result in paralysis, brain damage, serious injury to virtually all internal organs, bones, joints, ligaments, muscles and all other elements of the skeletal/muscular system. |
I recognize the dangers of practicing or playing and agree to assume the risk. I also recognize the importance of following the coaches and instruction regarding skills, safety, and team rules. |
My son/daughter has my permission to play/practice in school-sponsored sports. The terms hereof shall serve as a release and assumption of risk for my heirs, estate, executor, administrator, assignees, and for all members of my family. |
The Board of Education of District 203 assumes no liability for accidents and does not carry accident or health insurance on athletic programs. The board recognizes that a family may wish insurance protection that the school cannot provide. |
My signature below indicates that I have personal health insurance to cover my son/daughter should an injury occur or I have secured student accident insurance for my son/daughter. |
I realize that in the case of an emergency it may be necessary to provide immediate medical care. I consent to allow my child to be treated at the nearest medical facility in the event of such emergency. |
Physicals are only good for 395 days. Athletes must have a current physical that will last through the whole season. A copy of a current physical must be on file with the school nurse prior to tryouts. Student athletes will NOT be allowed to participate in tryouts without a copy of a current physical. See the registration page for blank physical forms and site listings for affordable physicals. |
Please list any health concerns, eg. allergies, asthma, etc.: |
I have read and I understand the I.H.S.A. ELIGIBILITY RULES as stated in the student handbook, and the IHSA CONCUSSION INFORMATION SHEET (all are linked on the O'Fallon Athletics Online Registration page). As a condition of participation, I agree to abide by them and have signed below. |
Parent and Student Agreement/Acknowledgement Form
Performance-Enhancing Substance Testing Policy |
• Illinois state law prohibits possessing, dispensing, delivering or administering a steroid in a manner not allowed by state
• Illinois state law also provides that body building, muscle enhancement or the increase in muscle bulk or strength through
the use of a steroid by a person who is in good health is not a valid medical purpose.
• Illinois state law requires that only a licensed practitioner with prescriptive authority may prescribe a steroid for a person.
• Any violation of state law concerning steroids is a criminal offense punishable by confinement in jail or imprisonment in the
Illinois Department of Corrections. |
As a prerequisite to participation in IHSA athletic activities, I agree that I will not use performance-enhancing substances as
defined in the IHSA Performance-Enhancing Substance Policy. I have read this form and understand that I
may be asked to submit to testing for the presence of performance-enhancing substances in my body, and I do hereby agree to submit to such testing and analysis by a certified laboratory. I further understand and agree that the results of the performance-enhancing substance testing may be provided to certain individuals in my high school as specified in the IHSA Performance-Enhancing Substance Testing Program Protocol which is available on the IHSA website at www.IHSA.org. I understand and agree that the results of the performance-enhancing substance testing will be held confidential to the extent required by law. I understand that failure to provide accurate and truthful information could subject me to penalties as determined by IHSA. |
Parent/Guradian-IHSA SPORTS MEDICINE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT & CONSENT FORM (Concussion, PES, Asthma, Medication) |
I certify and acknowledge that we have been provided information regarding concussions and the IHSA Performance Enhancing Substance Policy and have read the forms. As a prerequisite to participation in IHSA athletic activities, we have reviewed the policy and agree that the student will not use performance-enhancing substances as defined by the policy. We understand that failure to follow the policy could result in penalties being assigned to the student either by the student’s school or the IHSA.
I understand that my student must refrain from performance-enhancing substance use and may be asked to submit to testing for the presence of performance-enhancing substances in his/her body. I do hereby agree to submit my child to such testing and analysis by a certified laboratory. I further understand and agree that the results of the performance-enhancing substance testing may be provided to certain individuals in my student’s high school as specified in the IHSA Performance-Enhancing Substance Testing Program
Protocol which is available on the IHSA website at www.IHSA.org. I understand and agree that the results of the performance enhancing substance testing will be held confidential to the extent required by law. I understand that failure to provide accurate
and truthful information could subject my student to penalties as determined by IHSA. |
Parent Guardian Athletic Trainer's Consent to Treat |
CONSENT 2020-2021
I understand that OTHS will provide sports medicine services to the student athletes during practices, meets, and games. I understand that the OTHS trainer(s) are OTHS staff and are employed, controlled, and supervised by OTHS. I understand that OTHS approved Team Doctors may volunteer their time in coordination with the OTHS trainer and the hospitals in which they are employed. I understand that the Team Doctors are not employed by OTHS. I understand that the OTHS employed trainer(s) as well as the District approved volunteer Team Doctors will act as the “OTHS Athletic Training Services”.
I hereby request and authorize OTHS Training Services to provide and perform such medical care, therapy, tests, procedures, or other services considered advisable for my health and wellbeing during my training for and participation in my school's athletics. I acknowledge that no guarantees have been made as to the result of treatments or examinations performed by OTHS Training Services and that unforeseen results may occur.
In the event of an injury or accident to me during participation in an athletic activity, I acknowledge that the OTHS Training Services or school officials, as appropriate, are authorized to seek immediate medical attention, including ambulance services and assistance at the nearest medical facility.
I have read this authorization, fully understand its contents, and agree to be bound by its terms. I acknowledge and represent I am 18 years of age or older and have the right to contract in my own name or that I am legally authorized to sign for the student-athlete named below. |
I certify and acknowledge that we have been provided and have read the forms regarding Covid 19 and the OTHS Policy/Protocols regarding participating in sports under the current guidelines given to schools in coordination of the Governors office, IDPH, CDC, and IHSA. We agree to adhere to the policies set forth. |