New International Version (NIV) of the Holy Bible.  The Scripture passages are referenced as Book Chapter:Verse. 

Government Building Block devotion boils down government to its smallest building block—people.  People’s government is self-governing, or self-control.   Believers develop self-control through the indwelling Holy Spirit.  We’re taught to pray “Your kingdom come” which is ultimately, Christ’s rule.     

Read Psalm 62:12 Isaiah 45:23 & 25, Jeremiah 17:10, Romans 2:6, and 1 Peter 1:17

Psalms is the book in the center of the Bible. Isaiah and Jeremiah are the 4th and 5th books after Psalms.  Romans is the 6th book in the New Testament.      

Complete the lesson and submit.  Your teacher will receive your answers and  respond.  Have Fun.          
